Latest News from the District of Thames Valley

New November 2024 Newsletter from the District Grand Prefect.

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News February 7

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Chiltern Hundreds Council 142

On Tuesday the 18th February, Chiltern Hundreds Council No. 142 met at Beaconsfield Masonic Centre and were honoured by two special guests. The Deputy District Grand Prefect, W Bro Simon Gillas and R W Bro Ron Bridger, past DGP. The council had two candidates for the degree of Grand High Priest, brothers Paul Hathorn and Bro Howard Davis, who was visiting from neighbouring Bedfordshire to receive the degree. The ceremony was conducted in a wonderful manner by the evergreen R W Bro Ron Bridger and was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. The Brethren then retired for and excellent Festive Board.

Officers and candidate's with W Bro Simon Gillas and R W Ron Bridger

Simon Gillas, Bro Paul Hathorn, Bro Howard Davis and W Bro David Tremaine

District of Kent AGM 2025

Saturday 15 February was a sunny day in Gillingham for the District of Kent Annual meeting.   Thames Valley was represented by the DGP, DistGSW, DistGChap, and DistGJD.

The meeting was well attended with many representatives from across the Order as well as several Heads of Orders from Kent.

Dining followed the meeting with excellent fayre and short speeches - two important requisites for any meeting, plus ensuring you eat all your dinner!

l to r:  W Bro Bob Bromley (DistGJD), W Bro Paul Rush (DistGSW), RW Bro Brian Ward (DGP Kent), RW Bro Bob Chevin DGP TV),
VW Bro Brian Roake (DistGChap).

Southern Counties District AGM

Saturday 1st February was the occasion for the District Grand Prefect to attend the Southern Counties District meeting, choosing to forego the televised Six-Nations games!   He was well supported by the Deputy District Grand Prefect, District Grand Senior Warden, and the District Grand Senior Deacon. Having arrived in good time, with no hindrances on the road, it was time for tea and bacon rolls - always a good way to unwind from the drive down south.   With 4 other District Grand Prefects, we were able to offer our support to the host District Grand Prefect, for whom this was his first full District meeting since his investiture.

The meeting was soon followed by a fine luncheon, with short speeches, and soon, it was a rapid return home to catch the Ireland v England match (should have travelled more slowly on the return trip!).It was a delightful day out in the south, enjoyed by all. Cheshire & Wrexham is the next calling for the investiture of a new District Grand Prefect - we'll need to wrap up warm for this one!

l to r:W Bro Robert Bromley (DistSGD), W Bro Paul Rush (DistGSW), RW Bro Tony Green (Southern Counties), RW Bro Bob Chevin (Thames Valley), W Bro Simon Gillas (DepDGP).

l to r:  RW Bro Barry Slade (Devon & Cornwall), RW Bro Geoff Keer (East Anglia),

RW Bro Tony Green (Southern Counties), RW Bro Joe McCollum (West Midlands),

RW Bro Bob Chevin (Thames Valley)

West Midlands District Meeting

On Saturday 25 January the DGP, accompanied by 4 Thames Valley brethren, attended the Annual meeting of the West Midlands District at Burton on Trent with the temple filled to capacity with visiting dignitaries, other Heads of Orders, and members of the District. As ever, the DGP was well supported by his deputy and Senior Warden who laid claim to Richard Whitaker, a member of Richard Mordant Council and West Midlands, and Ron Bridger the PastDGP and a member in the West Midlands District, as part of the Thames Valley contingent. 

Following the meeting, we were treated to an excellent luncheon and given the day was the birthdate of Robbie Burns, there was not a haggis to be seen!

l to r:  W Bro Richard Whitaker (PDistGSwdB), W Bro Simin Gillas (DepDGP),
RW Bro Bob Chevin (DGP), RW Bro Joe McCollum (DGP W Mids),
RW Bro Ron Bridger (PDGP), W Bro Paul Rush (DistGSW)

Rollright Council No 84

At Woodstock on Tuesday 14 Jan 25  Rollright Council entered the new year with a candidate Admitted as a brother of St Lawrence the Martyr, Bro Grahame Lee.   On this occasion, the meeting welcomed the attendance of the Deputy Grand Master, R W Bro Ian Bailey, the DGP, R W Bro Bob Chevin, and his Deputy, W Bro Simon Gillas. To add even more importance to the occasion, R W Bro Ron Bridger, Past DGP, accompanied by his past deputy, V W Bro Richard Skym,, were in attendance. 

V W Bro James Hilditch, WM,  performed the ceremony with panache and his usual calm delivery, which was enhanced by the DGP acting as SD, the Past DGP acting as SW and occasionally, the IG.   The moral of the tale is, no matter how elevated you think you are, you will always be given a job!   Bro Ron concluded the ceremony with a delivery of the lecture of St Lawrence.

Part 2 of the meeting was to admit to the Degree of  Grand Tilers of Solomon, Bros Grahame Lee and Michael Barrett (Bocardo Council).   This, again, was well performed by several 'budding thespians', who ensured the candidate understood his shortcomings!   The DGP, thinking he could now relax, was cajoled into delivering the lecture of the Degree.   All in all, a splendid occasion, concluded by an equally splendid dinner in good company.

The WM, supported by the candidates on either side,

 and surrounded by his team and visitors.

l to r:  RW Bro Ian Bailey (DGM), Bro Mike Barrett (Bocardo Council),

V W Bro James Hilditch (WM), Bro Grahame Lee, RW Bro Bob Chevin (DGP).

Bocardo Council

On the morning of Saturday 11 Jan 25 , Bocardo Council, meeting at Witney, held its first meeting of the new year by Admitting Bro Michael Barrett as a member of the Order.   The ceremony was well performed by the acting WM, W Bro Paul Keifer, assisted by members of the Council.   

The occasion was marked with the attendance of the DGP,escorted by his DC, W Bro Kevin Williams.    To prove that former DGP's do not fade away, R W Bro Ron Bridger concluded the ceremony by delivering the lecture of St Lawrence in his usual inimitable style!   All in all, a good way to open the year with a new candidate who was quite impressed by the experience.

Bro Barrett surrounded by the team - the beginning of a new Masonic chapter for him.     

The DGP welcomes Bro Mike into the Order and

Bocardo Council in particular.

Richard Mordant Council No 189

The 8th of January saw the latest meeting of Richard Mordant Council. Turnout was good (only three apologies), and the RW District Grand Prefect, RW Bro Bob Chevin, was in attendance, and without a job!

The main order of business was to conduct a St. Lawrence degree ceremony for our latest candidate, Julian Cox. The WM conducted the ceremony assisted by his officers, and Bro Cox was well and truly admitted – I have never seen anyone take such a big bite from the token! Next was the Grand Tilers of Solomon. As well as Bro Cox, Mike Shaw was also a candidate. Our District Grand DC, W Bro Kevin Williams took the part of King Solomon, and he looked as though he was relishing the opportunity. Following the ceremony Bro Shaw was presented to the DGP, who invested him with the five Jewels of the Order, having just earned the right to wear them.

The festive board followed the meeting, and was very much enjoyed by everyone, with the Aylesbury catering up to the usual high standard

          Bro Julian Cox & RW Bro Bob Chevin       

Bro Mike Shaw & RW Bro Bob Chevin

W Bro Tom Spurrier, WM with Julian Cox, Mike Shaw,

and RW Bro Bob Chevin

Members of Richard Mordant Council

Walpole Council No 181

Walpole Council has the first meeting of the year in the District on January the 6th. The meeting saw the ceremony of Grand Tilers of Solomon for two candidates, Bro John Mellor and Bro Jay Shah.The Council was honoured by the presence of the Deputy District Grand Prefect, W Bro Simon Gillas, who took part in the ceremony (as is the usual custom). The ceremony was conducted by the WM, W Bro Paul Rush as King Solomon, and the officers of the Council. It was remarked afterwards that the WM smiled all the way through the ceremony! (probably still feeling the effects of the New Year festivities!)Bro John and Bro Jay, both enjoyed the ceremony, and were eager to continue their exploration of the Allied Masonic Degrees at future meetings.Following the ceremony, the Council elected the WM for the coming year (congratulations to W Bro Terwyn Williams), and re-elected the Treasurer, W Bro Andy Stephens (in his absence!).

After the meeting, the festive board was very convivial and the service from Cole Court was excellent. What a great way to kick off the year!

The Brethren of the Walpole Council

W Bro Simon Gillas, W Bro Terwyn Williams, Bro John Mellor,
W Bro Paul Rush, Bro Jay Shah, Bro Narshi ‘Fred’ Mistry

District of Surrey AGM

The 7th of December was the AGM of Surrey District, and Thames Valley was represented by our DGP, RW Bro Bob Chevin. He was joined by W Bro Paul Rush Dist.G.S.W., W Bro Kevin Williams Dist.G.D.C., W Bro Robert Bromley Dist.G.S.D., and Bro Narshi (Fred) Mistry Dist.G.Stwd. Once we had braved the stormy weather and arrived at The Croydon Masonic Centre, many bacon sandwiches and cups of tea were enjoyed.

 As always, the meeting was well attended by Allied Masons from all over the country, including the Past Deputy Grand Master, although travel difficulties meant that there were fewer of our Northern Brethren present. Nonetheless, everyone had a most enjoyable day, experiencing the good humour and relaxed attitude that the DGP of Surrey, RW Bro John French is known for. This was the first meeting that their new Secretary was responsible for, and Bro Trever Sadler did a great job of organising things.

 Following the meeting, the Festive Board was very convivial. It is always good to catch-up with old friends from around the Order. During the Toast to the DGP, the Deputy District Grand Prefect presented the DGP with a framed cartoon drawing (which has become quite a tradition) depicting the DGP as Superman. Because all the members of Surrey agree that he is a super man. 

 L to R:WBro Bob Tuthill Dep.Dist.G.Pref.(Surrey), W Bro Kevin Williams Dist.G.D.C.,
RW Bro John French DGP(Surrey), RW Bro Bob Chevin DGP,
W Bro Paul Rush Dist.G.S.W., W Bro Robert Bromley Dist.G.S.D.

A Conspiracy of Secretaries’ Bro Trevor Sadler (Surrey), W Bro Derek Wilkins (Kent),

W Bro Richard Criddle (London), W Bro Paul Rush (Thames Valley)

Obviously enjoying themselves: RW Bro Steve Barratt DGP(East Midlands)
and our very own DGP, Bob Chevin

 The presentation of Superman to RW Bro John French by W Bro Bob Tuthill, with
DGPs looking on: Steve Barratt, Bob Chevin, Brian Ward (Kent),

and the Surrey DC (standing in at short notice) William Barr

District of London AGM

The District of Thames Valley was represented by W Bro Bryan Farrelly Dist GJW and Bro Nailesh Mehta Dist GStwd at the District of London AGM on Saturday 16th November at Mark Masons Hall, London. We were warmly welcomed when honoured guests were introduced. It was also lovely to see W Bro Scott Cargill installed as Deputy DGP. This was followed by a delicious two course lunch with wine. There were over 100 members who had stayed for Lunch. After lunch, many Brethren then spent another hour in the bar in the company of RWBro Colin Woodcock and W Bro Scott Cargill. Looking forward to the next AGM where TV District can be represented.

The photo L to R:Bro. Nailesh Mehta Dist.G.Stwd, W.Bro Scott Cargill Dep.Dist.G.Pref.(London), W.Bro. Bryan Farrelly Dist.G.J.W.,

R.W.Bro. Colin Woodcock D.G.P.(London)

Cowper & Newton Council No 266

Cowper and Newton Council held the first meeting at their new venue on Wednesday the 13th of November. Having previously met at the North Crawley Institute, following a vote of the members, they now meet at the Bletchley Masonic Centre.

The meeting was a great success despite the absence of the WM, who unfortunately was unwell. Our RW DGP took the chair for the St. Lawrence part of the meeting, and our District DC, W.Bro. Kevin Williams was the Illustrious Potentate for the degree of Knights of Constantinople. - Congratulations to all. The meeting was most enjoyable, and all who attended stayed for an excellent buffet in the bar, following the formalities.

New DGP for Southern Counties

On Saturday the 26th of October in Botley, Hampshire, The MW Grand Master Installed a new DGP for the District of Southern Counties. Representing Thames Valley were W Bro Simon Gillas Deputy DGP, W Bro Paul Rush Dist.G.S.W., and Bro Narshi (Fred) Mistry Dist.G.Stwd.

After a pleasant drive powered by electricity, we three arrived at Botley to be greeted with excellent bacon rolls and southern hospitality. The Grand Master was in great form and Installed RW Bro Anthony Green with sincerity and humour. Following which, RW Bro Green installed his Deputy District Grand Prefect, VW Bro Laurence Brookes. Both the Grand Master and the DGP, thanked Laurence for acting as Deputy In Charge following the sad death of the previous DGP, RW Bro Mike Whelan, who is greatly missed.

There followed the confirmation of the District Officers who were previously appointed, and short addresses by the Grand Master and the new DGP. After a very pleasant lunch, the usual toasts were proposed, and much enjoyment was had by all. The only hic-up in an otherwise perfect day was that the last DGP to be installed, RW Bro Graham Newton of East Lancs was unable to attend, and had not arranged for the fabled DGP’s dummy to be transmitted to his successor as the baby of the group

L to R W Bro Mark Gannaway Dep.G.D.C.

W Bro Simon Gillas Dep.Dist.G.P., W Bro Paul Rush Dist.G.S.W., Bro Narshi (Fred) Mistry Dist.G.Stwd.

The Grand Master, RW Bro Anthony Green

DGP Southern Counties

Simon Gillas photobombing The Grand Master

The Officers of Southern Counties

East Anglia Annual District Meeting

The annual District meeting of East Anglia was held at the Masonic Centre, Lowestoft on Saturday 26 October at which Thames Valley was represented by the District Grand Prefect, District Director of Ceremonies and District Grand Senior Deacon.  Also present in their respective roles were R W Bro Ian Bailey (Deputy Grand Master) and R W Bro Jonathon Roberts (President of the Executive Committee), both members of our District. With other District Grand Prefects and several visitors, the meeting was well attended and a delight, with the investiture of a new Deputy District Grand Prefect.   The meeting concluded with the customary festive board of East Anglian fish and chips (a whale of a dish!).

(l to r back row) W Bro Kevin Williams (DistGDC), W Bro Robert Bromley (DistGSD) (l to r front row) R W Bob Chevin (DGP) R W Bro Ian Bailey (Dep GM) R W Bro Geoff Keer (DGP East Anglia)

W Bro Ken Fox (DepDGP)

Thames Valley District Meeting  2024

The Annual Meeting of the Thames Valley District AMD was held on Saturday, 19 October at the Bletchley Masonic Centre. The day began with a torrential downpour that would have had Noah worried! Once the tea and biscuits were available, though, it was the time for ‘meet and greet’ among the brethren, which set the scene for the day.

Having been called to order by the District Director of Ceremonies, the Right Worshipful Brethren and other distinguished guests, including past members of the District Executive, entered the lodge in processions. The District Grand Prefect, Right Worshipful Brother Robert W Chevin, entered the temple in procession accompanied by the District Grand Officers of the year. District Grand Council was opened in due form and the District Grand Prefect saluted under the direction of the Director of Ceremonies. Following a knock on the door, the Grand Deputy Director of Ceremonies was admitted and informed the District Grand Prefect that the Deputy Grand Master, RW Bro Ian Bailey was outside the door of the Council and demanded admission. The Grand Deputy Director of Ceremonies escorted R W Bro Ian Bailey into the Council where he was offered the gavel, which was returned with similar haste! The Deputy Grand Master was saluted under the direction of the Grand Deputy Director of Ceremonies.

The District Grand Prefect welcomed the District Grand Prefects and other distinguished guests, including the Heads of other Masonic Orders. On the completion of elections and proposals the brethren stood in silent tribute to departed merit since the last annual meeting. The District Grand Prefect confirmed the re-appointment of Simon Gillas PGStwd as the Deputy District Grand Prefect. Unfortunately, Brother Simon was absent from the meeting due to ill-health. There followed the appointments and investitures of District Grand Officers for the ensuing year followed by the presenting of 2 of the newest candidates to have joined the Order. The District Grand Prefect addressed District Grand Council expressing his desire for the brethren to continue in their efforts of finding suitable candidates. The Deputy Grand Master retired from District Grand Council following which, the meeting was called to order and closed in due form. The District Grand Prefect, together with the Right Worshipful Brethren and other Honoured Guests and District Officers retired in recession to the sounds of the RAF March Past, played by Bro Gil Singleton, the acting Organist.

The festive board that followed was a most enjoyable and delightful occasion with plenty of laughter and chatter (and short speeches). By now ‘Noah’s deluge’ had ceased and the sun was shining as everybody went their respective ways taking with them happy memories of the day.

Click Here for all Photographs of the meeting or go to Gallery

The District Grand Prefect RW Bro. Robert Chevin with his newly appointed District Officers for 2024/25

Team Visit to Middlesex Council

The District Grand Prefect attended the meeting of the Middlesex Council on Thursday 10 October, escorted by the District Grand Officers, at which Bro Graham Seeman was installed as the Worshipful Master for the ensuing year.   

The ceremony was ably performed by the Installing Worshipful Master,

W Bro Tony Nimmo, who having escorted the Master Elect ‘on tramp’, duly installed him in the Chair of the lodge.On completion of all the due processes, W Bro Seeman took charge of the meeting and invested his Officers for the year.The Worshipful Master was then congratulated by the District Grand Master

The first task of the newly installed Worshipful Master was to bestow the Degree of a Knight of Constantinople on Bro Gil Singleton, in the appropriate style with the resident thespian, W Bro Keith Bristow, undertaking the role of Conductor.   A particular irony was the sight of one Mark PGM (Bucks) paying obeisance to another Mark PGM (Berks) – it doesn’t occur that often!   W Bro John Stribling delivered the lecture of the Degree, in fine style, to complete the ceremony.

This was a most pleasant occasion that culminated with the festive board in the presence of excellent company.

Thames Valley District AMD

Donation to Milton Keynes Hospital

On Thursday September 26th the District Grand Prefect for Thames Valley (R W Bro Bob Chevin), accompanied by the District Grand Chaplain (V W Bro Brian Roake), District Grand Junior Deacon (W Bro Ralph Newell) and his wife, Valerie, met with Kelly Errington, one of the 3 Directors for Charity and Fundraising, at the local Milton Keynes Hospital  to present a cheque, for £1,500, in support of the hospital fundraising appeal. 

During a tour of the new Cancer Centre and Radiotherapy Centre, Kelly provided an insight as to how donations were used to enhance the lives of patients, their families and staff across all wards and departments.  With help from other charities and fundraisers, special gym equipment has enabled the physiotherapy team to provide therapy treatment to patients, whilst also providing non-clinical rooms for the solace and support of families enduring the stress and worry of their loved one's critical care. 

Kelly expressed her delight and gratitude in receiving the donation on behalf of the Charity and from those who will benefit. 

Rollright No 127 Installation

Rollright Council No 127 was the Installation meeting for W Bro James Hilditch who (again) re-occupied the Chair of the lodge.The installation ceremony was ably performed by W Bro Peter Rawlings, who now finds himself as the secretary of the lodge, replacing

W Bro Duncan McQueen who now is able to take a well-earned rest after many years in the office.

Prior to installing the WM, Bros Graham Dodd and Tom Vaughan, were made Knights of Constantinople in the usual (humorous) fashion, which concluded with the lecture presented by R W Bro Ron Bridger.

East Midlands District Meeting

On Saturday 17 Aug the District Grand Prefect represented the district at the East Midlands District annual meeting, held at Derby, and was accompanied by the Deputy District Grand Prefect, the District Grand Secretary, and the District Grand Director of Ceremonies.   On this occasion, R W Bro Ian Bailey, officially attended in his capacity as Deputy Grand Master.

The temple was at full capacity with many representatives from our other Districts, Heads of Orders, and members of the East Midlands District.meeting. A delightful meeting, followed by an equally delightful luncheon.

lt to rt: W Bro Kevin Williams (DGDC), R WBro Ian Bailey (DepGM), R W Bro Steve Barrett (DGP E Mids),

R W Bro Bob Chevin (DGP), W Bro Paul Rush (DGSec), W Bro Simon Gillas (DepDGP)

 Seasons and Time matter not if there are Friends, Food, and Drink!

Walpole Council No 181

The DGP made an official visit to Walpole Council on 17th July at which Bro Jayendra (Jay) Shah was Admitted into the Degree of St LM; a ceremony well performed by W Bro Alastair Mason (acting as WM). At the conclusion, W Bro Andrew Stephens presented the lecture of the degree in an excellent manner (and word perfect). This was followed by the Installation of the DistGSec, W Bro Paul Rush, as the WM for the ensuing year; and again, a ceremony well performed by the Installing WM. The WM then appointed and invested his Officers for the year – a fine body of men. Before the Council was closed, the DGP presented a Grand Council certificate to Bro Narshi (Fred) Mistry, congratulating him on being appointed as the JW!

 l to r    DGP & Bro Jay Shah                               

l to r DGP, Bro Jay Shah, W Bro Alastair Mason                           

l to r DGP, W Bro Paul Rush (WM), W Bro Alastair Mason (Inst WM)         

The DGP among a ‘fine body of men’

Chiltern Hundreds Council 142

At the regular meeting of Chiltern Hundreds Council on Wednesday 13 July at Beaconsfield Masonic Centre, the Council was honoured with a visit from the Deputy District Grand Prefect W Bro Simon Gillas and the Deputy District Grand Director of Ceremonies W Bro Steve Pope. The Council conducted the ceremony of The Red Cross of Babylon for Bro. Paul Hathorn and Bro.Gil Singleton by the Worshipful Master W Bro David Tremaine, ably assisted by the visiting RW Bro. Ron Bridger in an excellent manner. The Brethren then retired for an excellent Festive Board.

Middlesex Council No 108

At the regular meeting of Middlesex Council, on Wednesday 3 July, Bro Gilbert (Gil) Singleton was Admitted into the Order as a Bro of StLM. The ceremony was well undertaken by the WM, with the assistance of his SD.  On rearranging the furniture, the ' door opened' for Bro Gil to be admitted as a Grand Tyler of Solomon.  This ceremony was undertaken by all the Officers present and was well received by the candidate.

On this occasion, the District Grand Prefect was present in support of Bro Gil (whom he had introduced) being a member of his RAF Lodge, and looked forward to his progression in the Order.

Brother Gil Singleton with the officers of the Council and RW Bob Chevin

Brother Gil Singleton with W Bro Tony Nimmo and RW Bob Chevin

Allied Brethren receive honours at Mark Buckinghamshire AGM

At the recent Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Buckinghamshire meeting on 27th June, the Provincial Grand Master, R W Bro Keith Bristow, appointed seven members of the Richard Mordant Council with Provincial Mark honours. At the next meeting of Mark GL, V W Bro Brian Roake of the Chiltern Hundreds Council will be promoted in Grand Rank.

Photo l to r: W Bro Richard Whitaker (Richard Mordant Council) appointed Prov G Steward, W Bro Tom Spurrier (Richard Mordant Council) promoted P Prov G Standard Bearer, V W Bro Brian Roake (Chilterns Hundred Council) GL promotion as PGJO (designate) W Bro Paul Gausden (Richard Mordant Council) appointed Prov G Master Overseer and W Bro Paul Rush (Richard Mordant Council) promoted P Prov G Junior Warden.

Absent from the photo: Bro Allan Marriott (Richard Mordant Council) appointed Prov G Insp of Works, W Bro Terry Foley (Richard Mordant Council) appointed Prov G Junior Deacon and W Bro Ralph Newell (Richard Mordant Council) promoted P Prov G Junior Warden. Thames District congratulates all who have received Mark honours this year and trust they enjoy their new Mark ranks.

Cowper & Newton Council No 266

At the Cowper & Newton Council on Wed 14 June, Bro Ian Summerfield was Admitted and obligated into the Degree of St Lawrence the Martyr by W Bro Kevin Williams (District DC) and received an explanation of the history by RW Bro Bob Chevin (DGP).

Following this, the WM, W Bro Mike Jolley, was declared WM for a second year who then invested his Officers for the year.   Although the Council has experienced declining membership through deaths and resignations, it is of some comfort that all the present members make an effort to attend.

During this meeting, a proposal was submitted for the Council to relocate from North Crawley to the Bletchley Masonic Centre, which was agreed by a majority of the members and will become effective as of the next meeting, on 13 November.

The WM (W Bro Mike Jolley) and his Officers for the year

The DGP welcomes Bro Ian Summerfield on being Admitted to the Order

Rollright Council No 127

On 21st May, Rollright Council met in Woodstock.  The Council was honoured by the presence of W Bro Simon Gillas, PGJD, Deputy District Grand Prefect. The Degree of Grand High Priest was conferred on Brothers Neil Coleman and Tom Vaughan from Rollright Council and Brother Mike Shaw from Richard Mordant Council, in an exemplary manner by R W Bro Ron Bridger, PDGPref.

Following that, the Council Admitted as a Brother of St Lawrence, Graham Nobbs in a ceremony conducted by the Master, W Bro Peter Rawlinson, PAGDC, with the lecture being delivered by none other than R W Bro Ron Bridger, PDGPref, in his usual impeccable style.

The evening concluded with the customary excellent Festive Board.

Bocardo Council No 84
At the regular Bocardo Council meeting, on Saturday 11 May, Bro John Sear received the Degree of Knights of Constantinople, ably performed by W Bro Philip Purves and W Bro Silverio Ostrowski.

lt to r: W  Bro Mike Long, Bro John Sear, W Bro Paul Kiefer, W Bro Philip Purves,

W Bro Keith Horne, W Bro Silverio Ostrowski

 "The reward that sweetens labour!"

Essex District Grand Meeting

The District Grand Prefect was in good company during his recent visit to the Essex District meeting, on Saturday 11 May.  On this occasion he was accompanied by the Past District Grand Prefect, now the Deputy Grand Master, RW Bro Ian Bailey, in addition to District Grand Officers of the District.  The weather was warm and sunny making the drive to Southend-on-Sea quite a pleasure and added to the enjoyment of the day.

As ever, the meeting was a delight followed by luncheon with excellent fayre, and in good company.  The District Grand Officers who regularly represent the District speak as one when expressing their delight when visiting other District meetings.  All members of Thames Valley are welcome to attend, whether a District Grand Officer, or not, and will give you the opportunity to meet other Allied Brethren to extend masonic friendship, particularly in the Order.

lt to rt: W Bro Robert Bromley DGStB, RW Bro Ian Bailey, DGM, RW Bro Bob Chevin DGP (TV),

RW Bro Geoffrey Conway DGP (Essex),W Bro Paul Rush DistGSec, W Bro Brian Farrelly, PDistGJD

The DepGM recharging the batteries in readiness for an after-dinner response to his toast!

Whilst Brian quietly takes it all

 in - a 'bon viveur' if ever there was!

Should the devil cast his net - his haul

would be a 'nest of Dist G Secs' - plotters all!

Chilterns Hundreds Council No.142 welcomes the
Deputy Grand Master and District Grand Prefect of Thames Valley

On the 1st May 2024 at Beaconsfield Masonic Centre in Buckinghamshire in the District of Thames Valley. Chiltern Hundreds Council No.142 was honoured with the presence of The Deputy Grand Master R W Bro. Ian Bailey along with the District Grand Prefect R W Bro Robert Chevin and his District Team.

The meeting began with Bro Paul Hathorn being admitted to the Degree of Grand Tilers of Solomon or Masons Elect of Twenty-Seven. The degree, superbly conducted by W Bro Alister Mason  was quite unique, that Twenty-Seven Brethren attended the Ceremony. 

The main event of the evening  was to Install Bro David Tremaine (Past Provincial Grand Master of Buckinghamshire in the Mark) as Master of the Council in the Degree of St Lawrence the Martyr. In an excellent ceremony conducted by the incumbent Master W Bro Paul Craker. the new Worshipful Master then appointed his officers for the year.

The brethren then retired for an excellent Festive Board.

Richard Mordant Council Installation Meeting

At the Richard Mordant Council meeting, on 24 Apr, Bro Tom Spurrier was installed as WM by W Bro Kevin Williams DistDC in an excellent manner.  The newly installed WM expressed his delight at the way he had been installed and was now looking forward to the coming year.

The meeting was enhanced by the presence of RW Bro Ian Bailey DepGM and the DGP RW Bro Bob Chevin.

                   Council members - all present and  correct                                                                             

i to r: R W Bro Ian Bailey DepGM. W Bro Tom Spurrier WM,

W Bro Kevin Williams DistGDC and R W Bro Bob Chevon DGP

W Bro Tom Spurrier is congratulated by the Installing

Master W Bro Kevin Williams

It’s the only place to be ...                       

to receive wise words! 

Hertfordshire & Bedfordshire Annual Meeting – Letchworth

L to r:   R W Bro Jonathon Roberts (PresExecComm), R W Bro Ian Bailey (DepGM), R W Bro Geoffrey Cheshire (DGP Herts & Beds), R W Bro Bob Chevin (DGP), W Bro Paul Rush (DistGSec), W Bro Simon Gillas (DepDGP.

The ‘Four Just Men’   (you have to be a certain age to know who they were!)

In crossing the County lines’ on Saturday 6 April, to attend the Hertfordhsire & Bedfordshire District meeting, Thames Valley District was well represented with the presence of the District Grand Prefect accompanied by W Bro Simon Gillas (DepDistGP) and W Bro Paul Rush (DistGSec).   In attendance was R W Bro Ian Bailey (DepGM) and R W Bro Jon Roberts (PresExecComm), both members of Thames District.

As ever, the occasion was well represented with the presence of DGPs and others from several of our other Districts, which concluded with an excellent luncheon and the opportunity to catch up on the latest gossip and meeting acquaintances, old and new.

A Trip to the seaside for Thames Valley

On Saturday 16th March, the District Grand Prefect R W Bro Bob Chevin and four Brethren from Thames Valley made the trip to Peacehaven, East Sussex, on the South Coast for the District Grand Meeting of Sussex. With the M25 being closed they took the scenic route through some delightful villages of Surrey and West Sussex.

The Brethren thoroughly enjoyed the meeting  conducted by ever humorous R W Bro Gene Earland. The humour continued at the excellent Festive Board when W Bro Ian Taylor, The Deputy District Grand of Sussex proposed the toast to the DGP, which had the brethren in fits of laughter. A great day was had by all.

L/R: V W Bro Brian Roake, W Bro Simon Gillas, R W Bro Bob Chevin,
W Bro Paul Rush, W Bro Robert Bromley

Southern Counties District Meeting

photo:( L to R) RW Bro Bob Chevin (DGP), W Bro Lawrence Brookes (DepDGPinCharge),

W Bro Paul Rush (DistGSec), W Bro Simon Gillas (DepDGP)

Southern Counties District held its annual meeting on Saturday 3rd February, to which the District Grand Prefect attended, accompanied by W Bro Simon Gillas (DepDGP) and W Bro Paul Rush (DistGSec).

The meeting was a sad occasion, following the passing of their District Grand Prefect, RW Bro Mike Whelan, after a long illness.The Deputy District Grand Prefect in Charge (W Bro Lawrence Brookes) presided over the meeting and was congratulated by all for the manner in which he led and held the meeting together.

With haggis, neeps, and tatties as a starter, (what could go wrong) the Festive Board was enjoyed by all the brethren.

West Midlands District Meeting

The District was represented at the West Midlands District meeting at Burton on Trent on Saturday 27 January.  The occasion was well attended with a number of Rulers

from other Masonic Orders demonstrating the close links

we have with the Allied Degrees.

Thames Valley in attendance (l to r) W Bro Simon Gillas (DepDGP),

R WBro Joe McCollum (DGP W Mids), R WBro Bob Chevin (DGP ),

V WBro Keith Parker (PastDepDGP), W Bro Paul Rush (DistGSec).

Richard Mordant Council No.189

On Wednesday 10 Jan 2024, The District Grand Prefect visited Ricard Mordant Council. The Council Admitted Bro Mike Shaw into the Order.  The ceremony was well performed by the WM, W Bro Kevin Williams(DistGDC), and equally supported by his Officers.
Following his admission into the Degree of StLM, Bro Mike undertook the Degree of Knights of Constantinople, again led by the WM, and well supported by the Conductor (Bro Nick White), with plenty of enthusiastic applications of mallets and chisels.During the evening, the DGP was delighted to present Bro Mark Stock with his GC certificate, being advised he was now eligible to progress towards the 'big Chair'!

                                        (L to R) W Bro Kevin Williams, Bro Mike Shaw, DGP

Bro Mark Stock and the DGP

Walpole Council No.181

The year has started well, with the first of two candidates being Admitted into Walpole Council on Tuesday 2 January, at Cold Court, Twickenham.  The meeting was attended by the District Grand Prefect, R W Bro Robert Chevin, who was escorted by the Dist GDC, W Bro Kevin Williams and the AsstDGDC, W Bro Roger Hook.

The double ceremony was undertaken by the WM, W Bro Spencer Swanson, who Admitted the candidates in an exceptional manner, and was supported in similar manner by his Officers. During the meeting, the District Grand Prefect was pleased to present Bro Nailesh Merta with his Grand Council certificate.  Very few secretaries can boast receiving their GC certificate whilst serving in that office!

                    ( L To R)  Bro Harihar Patel, DGP, Bro John Mellor

Bro Nailesh Merta and the DGP

Surrey AGM 2023

The District Grand Prefect R W Bro Bob Chevin, accompanied by six District Grand Officers, attended the Annual Meeting of the  District of Surrey at the Croydon Masonic Centre on Saturday 2nd December 2023. The meeting, hosted by R W Bro. John French District Grand Prefect for Surrey, was attended by over one hundred brethren was conducted in an excellent and very light hearted manner and enjoyed by all. After the meeting, the brethren retired for an excellent Festive Board.

W Bro Mickey Melia, W Bro Paul Rush, R W Bro John French, R W Bro Bob Chevin, V W Bro Brian Roake, W Bro Robert Bromley, W Bro Richard Whittaker, W Bro Simon GIllas

Cowper & Newton Council No.266

At the meeting of Cowper & Newton Council on 8 November, the District Grand Prefect was pleased to present Grand Council certificates to Bro Peter Lovegrove and Bro Tim Long on their completion of the 5 Degrees of the Order.

l to r  Bro Lovegrove, DGP, Bro Long

East Anglia AGM 2023

The District Grand Prefect with R W Bro Geoffrey Keer (DGP East Anglia)

was well supported by the RW Bro Jonathon Roberts (Pres E.C.),

W Bro Kevin Williams (DistGDC) W Bro Paul Rush (DistGSec),

W Bro Mike Knight (DistGStwd) W Bro Robert Bromley (DistGStB)

The District was represented at the recent East Anglian District meeting, held at Lowestoft, where the reward for attending is the fish and chips served at lunch!  An observation is that they must use larger plates to accommodate the size of the fish!!

Grand Council Meeting  2023

At the Annual Grand Council meeting on Monday 24 October 3 of our Thames Valley Brethren were honoured with Grand Rank by the M W Grand Master, Thomas Firth Jackson.  The honoured recipients were;

V W Bro Richard Skym  Past Grand Registrar

W Bro Simon Gillas Past Grand Junior Deacon

W Bro Bill Winter Past Grand Standard Bearer

The occasion was well represented by the presence of the District Grand Prefect who was supported by several Brethren of the District (rent-a-crowd) to witness the occasion, and we congratulate our newly promoted Grand Officers.

Thames Valley District Meeting  2023

Saturday the 21st October 2023, Thames Valley District held their Annual Meeting at Bletchley. Chaired by
R W. Bro Robert Chevin the  District Grand Prefect, the meeting included six visiting District Grand Prefects and other distinguished Brethren. The District Grand Prefect
re-appointed W Bro Simon Gillas as Deputy District Grand Prefect.and then appointed his officers for the year. The DGP then addressed the Brethren.
(Click here to read Address) The Brethren then retired to enjoy an excellent Festive Board. To view more from the meeting click here

The District Grand Prefect RW Bro. Robert Chevin with his newly appointed District Officers for 2023/24

Richard Mordant Council Certificate Presentations

At the Richard Mordant Council meeting on 18 October the DGP presented Bro Mark Stock with his jewel of the Order, on his having completed all 5 Degrees following his admission as a Grand Tiler of Solomon. Likewise, the DGP was delighted to present GC certificates to Bros Jarrad Lewis and Paul Gausden, reminding them that they are now qualified to join the procession towards the 'Big Chair'!

District visit to Rollright Council No.127

On Tuesday 19th September 2023, The District Grand Prefect R W Bro Bob Chevin and a number of District Officers made a visit to Rollright Council No.127 at Woodstock, Oxfordshire. The Brethren of the Council and the visiting party then witnessed a superb ceremony of the degree of Grand High Priest conducted by R W Bro Ron Bridger for Bro Paul Buck and Bro Graham Ellis.

The Worshipful Master Roger Hook then installed his successor W Bro Peter Rawlinson into the chair of the council. The new Worshipful Master appointed and invested his Officers for the ensuing year and the Brethren then retired for an excellent Festive Board.

East Midlands District Meeting

The DistGSec and DepDistGDC accompanied the District Grand Prefect to the annual meeting of the East Midlands District on Saturday 19 August, held at the Masonic Centre, Derby.  A well-attended meeting that had a high turnout of DGPs and Officers from many of the other Districts around the country.

 W Bro  Kevin Williams (DistDepGDC), RW Bro Steve Barrett (DGP East Midlands), RWBro Bob Chevin (DGP) and W Bro Paul Rush (DistGSec)

Walpole Council No.181

l to r - W Bro Roger Hook, W Bro Ralph Newell, W Bro Richard Whitaker, W Bro Spencer Swanson, DGP, W Bro David Riddoch, W Bro Paul Rush, W Bro Kevin Williams

The DGP attended the installation meeting of Walpole Council on 19 Jul accompanied by a number of his District Officers.  W Bro Alastair Mason duly installed his successor, W Bro Spencer Swanson, who then appointed his Officers for the year."

Richard Mordant Council No.189

 At an Emergency meeting of the Richard Mordant Council, on Wed 20th June, four candidates were created and constituted knights of the Red Cross of Babylon. This was successfully achieved by the brethren of the Council, which included the assistance of the Deputy Grand Master, and District Officers and members of other Councils.  Each stage was performed well, and included the banquet; a little surprise for the candidates.

The backlog of candidates waiting to have this Degree conferred has now been reduced to single figures and in the future it is proposed for this Degree to be performed once a year, hosted by a designated Council, and with District Officers assisting Councils where insufficient numbers precludes the performance of the ceremony.

RW Bro Ian Bailey DepGM, Bro Paul Gausden (RMC Council), Bro Fred Mistry (Walpole Council), Bro Jarrad Lewis (RMC Council), Bro Mark Stock (RMC Council), and

RW Bro Bob Chevin, DGP.

Cowper & Newton Council No.266

W Bro Michael Jolley and R W Bro Bob Chevin Installing Master

On Wednesday 14th June W Bro Michael Jolley was Installed as the Worshipful Master of Cowper & Newton Council by the District Grand Prefect, RW Bro Bob Chevin, the Installing Master.

The first duty of the new WM, having invested his Officers for the year, was to acknowledge RW Bro Ian Bailey, Deputy Grand Master, as an Honorary member of the Council, which was received with acclamation.

It had been agreed that the traditional festive board would be dispensed with and replaced by a buffet meal, which was well received (less expensive, but too much food!). The principle toasts were observed and all Brethren returned home, replete, and earlier than usual.

Rollright Council No.127

The District Grand Prefect R W Bro. Bob Chevin and a number of District Officers made the Journey to Woodstock on the 16th May to assist at the meeting of Rollright Council No.127.  Four candidates for the Degree of the Red Cross of Babylon enjoyed an excellent ceremony. The first part was conducted by the Worshipful Master Bro. Roger Hook and the second part by R W Bro Ronald Bridger. The Brethren also retired during the second part of the ceremony for the Banquet, not often practised at Allied Councils these days. The District Grand Prefect also took the role of Director of Ceremonies for the evening. The Brethren then retired for an excellent Festive Board. 

The R W District Grand Prefect with the Brethren who received

the Degree of the Red Cross of Babylon.

The officers who conducted the ceremony of the Red Cross of Babylon

All the  Brethren who attended the meeting of Rollright Council No.127

Chiltern Hundreds Council No.142

Members and Officers of District Grand Council at Chiltern Hundreds Council No.142

Newly installed Master Paul Craker

and DGP Bob Chevin

The DGP and District Officers of the year, attended the installation meeting of the Chiltern Hundreds Council on Wed 3 May at which W Bro Paul Craker was installed as the WM, by W Bro Alastair Mason PGSD.  The DGP welcomed the WM to his important role and wished him and his newly invested Officers a successful year in their respective offices.

Richard Mordant Council No.266

On Wed 26 Apr, W Bro Kevin Williams was installed as WM of Richard Mordant Council by the outgoing WM, W Bro Richard Whitaker. Prior to being installed, W Bro Kevin led the Grand Tilers of Solomon degree ceremony when Bro Mike Conway was admitted. The DGP also presented Bro Nick White of Richard Mordant Council with his Grand Council certificate, having received all 5 degrees.

DGP R W Bro Bob Chevin, W Bro Kevin Williams,

W Bro Richard Whitaker and DepDGP W Bro Simon Gillas

Bro Nick White and DGP R W Bro Bob Chevin

Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire District Meeting

The District Grand Prefect with a number of other Thames Valley Brethren made a visit to the District of Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire annual meeting held at the Cloisters Masonic Centre, Letchworth Garden City. 

This was one of the quickest meetings experienced - all over in under the hour!  This made the festive board even more delightful, with plenty of time to chat and accept the hospitality of our hosts.

 L to R:W Bro Simon Gillas DepDGP, RW Bro Nigel Willis PGSW, VW Bro Glen Sapsford DepDGP (Herts&Beds), RW Bro Geoffrey Cheshire DGP (Herts & Beds), RW Bro Bob Chevin DGP, W Bro Paul Rush, DistGSec, W Bro David Riddoch PDistGSwdB

Northumberland and Durham District meeting

The Deputy District Grand Prefect W Bro Simon Gillas made the long journey to Gateshead to attend the meeting of Northumberland and Durham District meeting. Also in attendance was the Grand Master, M W Bro Thomas Firth Jackson.

W Bro Simon Gillas and

M W Bro Thomas Firth Jackson

Sussex District Meeting

Five brethren from Thames Valley made a visit to the South Coast on Saturday 18th March for the annual meeting of Sussex Grand District Council. The meeting took place at the impressive East Sussex Masonic Centre at Peacehaven. It was the first official visit for R W Bro Ian Bailey Deputy Grand Master since his Installation in October. The meeting saw W Bro Ian Taylor installed as Deputy District Grand Prefect. The highlight of the Festive Board was a wonderful and tearful story told by the District Grand Director of Ceremonies, W Bro Gregory Shackleton, how his young son's life had saved by W Bro Taylor with a defibrillator some 20 years before they met again as Freemasons.

W Bro Paul Rush, R W Bro Ian Bailey, V W Bro Brian Roake,

W Bro Kevin Williams and W Bro David Riddoch

Kent District Annual Meeting

W Bro Mick Melia (DistGJW), W Bro Simon Gillas (DepDGP), RW Bro Bob Chevin (DGP), W Bro Kevin Williams (DistDepGDC), and
W Bro Paul Rush (DistGSec)

W Bro Paul Rush, W Bro Mick Melia,

W Bro Kevin Williams - evidence that it is

not all play when visiting other Districts!

The DGP visited the District of Kent meeting for the Investiture of the new District Grand Prefect by the GM, MW Bro Tom Jackson.  The DGP was accompanied by four of his District Officers, in addition to

RW Bro Ian Bailey DGM and

RW Bro Nigel Willows PGSW

(neither of whom were available

for the photoshoot)

Southern Counties District Annual Meeting 

The District Grand Prefect, accompanied by his deputy and Officers of the District, attended the annual meeting of Southern Counties on Saturday

4th February at Botley, Hampshire. To all followers of the oval ball, this was the first day of the Six Nations – England v Scotland (there was no need to have rushed home!) if England was your team.

The meeting, however, was enhanced by the presence of the Pro Grand Master of the Mark Degree, MW Bro John Prizeman, and a number of other dignitaries.

A splendid occasion all round.

(l to r)  W Bro Kevin Williams DepDistDC,  MW Bro John Prizeman Pro GM MMM.  R W Bro Mike Whelan DGP Sussex Counties, R W Bro Bob Chevin DGP TV, W Bro Simon Gillies DepDGP, W Bro Paul Rush Dist Sec, W Bro Kevin Saunders DistDC

(l to r) MW Bro John Prizeman, R W Bro Mike Whelan, R W Bro Bob Chevin 

Thames Valley visit East Midlands District

W Bro. Nigel Willows, W Bro Simon Gillas and W Bro Mickey Melia

Deputy District Grand Prefect W Bro Simon Gillas along with Nigel Willows, Mickey Melia and Kevin Williams travelled to Burton on Trent on Saturday 28th January 2023 to attend the Annual Meeting of East Midlands District. All the brethren enjoyed their day and afterwards, the Festive Board.

R W Bro. Ian Bailey Installed as Deputy Grand Master AMD

At the Grand Council meeting of the Allied Masonic Degrees held at Freemasons’ Hall at Great Queens Street, London on Tuesday 25th October. R W Bro. Ian Bailey from Thames Valley was installed as Deputy Grand Master by Most Worshipful Grand Master Thomas Firth Jackson.

Nearly 300 Brethren attended the meeting with Thames Valley well represented.There were a number of other Grand Rank appointments for Thames Valley: RW Bro Jonathan Roberts President of the Executive Committee (Re-appointment) Middlesex no.108,  W Bro Duncan McQueen P.G.S.D. (Promotion) Rollright no.127, W Bro Alan Baverstock P.G.J.D. (Promotion) Rollright no.127. Those receiving First Appointments were: W Bro Stuart Graves P.A.G.D.C. Middlesex no.108, W Bro David Riddoch P.G.St.B. Middlesex no.108 and
W Bro John Stribling P.G.St.B. Veran no.18, Middlesex no.108. Congratulations to them all. The Brethren then retired
to the Connaught Rooms for an excellent Festive Board. 

R W Bro. Ian Bailey Deputy Grand Master and

M W Bro Thomas Firth Jackson Grand Master

R W Bro Ian Bailey Deputy Grand Master with R W Bro Bob Chevin

District Grand Prefect for Thames Valley and other Thames Valley members

V W Bro. Brian Roake, W Bro Graham Dearing, W Bro David Riddoch, W Bro Tony Judd, W Bro Duncan McQueen, W Bro John Stribling, W Bro Paul Rush and W Bro Alan Baverstock at the Festive Board

East Anglia District Meeting

W Bro Paul Rush (DistGSec) RW Bro Bob Chevin (DGP)

RWBro Geoff Keer (DGP East Anglia) W Bro Kevin Williams (DistDepGDC).

On Saturday  the 22nd October, The meeting of East Anglia District at Lowestoft, in the depths of Suffolk, was honoured with the presence of RW Bro Clive Manuel (DGM of the Order) who was attending his last meeting in the Order as DGM.

Unknown to those of us in Thames Valley, the post-meeting dinner was the staple fayre presented every year at this meeting - fish and chips!  It was a delightful change.

Richard Mordant Council No.189

Richard Mordant Council welcomed a new addition to the Council with the Admission of Bro Mark Stock on 19 Oct.  Mark was welcomed into the Order and the Council by the DGP (RW Bro Robert Chevin) and the Acting WM (W Bro Ralph Newell).  For the WM, it was quite a tall order!

Thames Valley DGP Installation and AGM 2022

Saturday the 15th October saw W. Bro Robert Chevin installed as the New District Grand Prefect of the Thames Valley District by the Most Worshipful Grand  Master, Thomas Firth Jackson and his team of Grand Council Officers. Over 80 Brethren, including 11 visiting District Grand Prefects and other distinguished Brethren attended this special meeting at the Oxford Masonic Centre at Baldon. Also installed by the new District Grand Prefect was W Bro Simon Gillas as Deputy District Grand Prefect. The new DGP then appointed his officers for the year.

The Brethren then retired to enjoy an excellent Festive Board.

To view more from the Installation and Annual General Meeting please click here

The New District Grand Prefect RW Bro. Robert Chevin with the MW Bro. Thomas Firth Jackson and the rest of the Installing Officers from Grand Council.

Official visit to Walpole Council No.181

The DepDGP, W Bro Bob Chevin, paid an official visit to Walpole Council No 181 on Thursday 13 October, escorted by the DistDepGDC, W Bro Kevin Williams.

At the meeting, Bro Nailesh Mehta was Admitted into the Degree of StLM in a most competent manner by the WM.  A steak dinner, with all the trimmings, completed an excellent meeting.

W Bro Simon Gillas  W Bro Alastair Mason (WM) 

 Bro Nailesh Mehta  W Bro Bob Chevin (DepDGP) 

W Bro Kevin Willams (DistDGDC)

W Bro Alastair Mason (WM)  Bro Nailesh Mehta 

W Bro Bob Chevin (DepDGP

Oxfordshire Provincial Grand Lodge

 DGPs, past (RW Bro Ron Bridger), present (RW Bro Ian Bailey), and future (W Bro Bob Chevin), with W Bro James Hilditch (RW PGM for the Province of Oxfordshire ) at the meeting of Oxfordshire Provincial Grand Lodge meeting held on Wed 5 Oct.

Visit to Rollright Council No.127 

The DGP, accompanied by the DepDGP, attended the Installation meeting of the Rollright Council, held at Woodstock on Tuesday 20 September.  The meeting witnessed the installation of the new WM, W Bro Roger Hook, who was ably installed by his predecessor, W Bro James Hilditch.

The newly installed WM was welcomed by the DGP and hoped he would have an enjoyable year in this wonderful Council.

There followed the festive board with the customary formalities during which, the WM was invited to join the PM Councils, Veran Council No 18, as other new WM have been invited.

The photograph shows the DGP (RWBro Ian Bailey), W Bro Roger Hook, and the
DepDGP (W Bro Bob Chevin).

Visit to Bocardo Council No.84 

The DepDGP made an official visit to Bocardo Council No 84 on Saturday 10 Sep at which a candidate was Admitted (Bro Stepehn Bowers), to the Order.  In addition, a new WM was installed (W Bro Paul Kiefer).  For the first time, the amended National anthem was sung, with the loyal toast given to a King!  There followed the festive board of a cold buffet, provided by Bro Terry Williams and his good lady, Mary - a delightful meeting, all round.

 W Bro Simon Gillas DepDGP designate, W Bro Paul Keifer newly installed WM, Bro Stephen Bowers, newly Admitted,

W Bro Bob Chevin DepDGP.

W Bro Paul Keifer WM and W Bro Bob Chevin DepDGP

Visit to East Lancashire

 On Friday the 9th September the District Grand Secretary W. Bro Paul Rush ventured up north to visit the District of East Lancs AGM in Rochdale. 

On arrival Paul was warmly welcomed by his hosts and offered bacon butties and coffee and a chance to catch up with friends from other Districts before the start of the meeting. 

The District Grand Council for East Lancs was opened by The District Grand Prefect R.W.Bro. Mervyn Wilson. Before commencing the business of the council, he gave a very warm welcome to all the guests and visitors as well as those brethren from the District of East Lancs and remarked just how pleased he was to see the lodge room so full. When the business of the council was complete, and the district meeting closed the brethren retired to the festive board to enjoy some local delicacies. 

To start, the brethren dined on Black Pudding with mustard sauce followed by ‘RAG Pudding and Lancashire Caviar’ served with hand cut chips (To those not local to Rochdale or in the know this delicacy is Meat Pudding and Mushy Peas). To complete the meal a fresh fruit salad was served. Clearly a gastronomical delight was enjoyed by all who dined. 

Following the convivial festive board, the rumour is that Paul applied to join the District Grand Secretary’s Council - Shuttleworth Council No. 50 which also happens to meet in Rochdale! 

Exciting News from Grand Council for Thames Valley Allied Masonic Degrees

AMD TV Visit to AMD East Midlands

AMD TV were very well represented at the AMD East Midlands annual meeting at which the new District Grand Prefect, RW Bro Steve Barrett was installed by the MW Grand Master. The DGP was joined by W Bro Bob Chevin, DepDGP, RW Bro Nigel Willows (PGSW), VW Bro Keith Parker PDepDGP, W Bro Simon Gillas, PGStwd and W Bro Paul Rush, DistGSec. VW Bro Keith Parker - our Past Deputy District Grand Prefect was also at the meeting. East Midlands is now his 'home' district. 

The meeting was, as ever, very enjoyable and at the Festive Board the food was filling.

 W Bro Paul Rush (DistGSec), VW Bro Keith Parker (PGReg, Past DepDGP), W Bro Bob Chevin (DepDGP), RW Bro Ian Bailey (DGP), MW Bro Thomas Firth Jackson (Grand Master), RW Bro Nigel Willows (PGSW) and W Bro Simon Gillas (PGStwd).

Middlesex Council No 108 – Official Visit of the Deputy District Grand Prefect

W Bro Bob Chevin, Deputy District Grand Prefect, made an official visit to the regular meeting of the Middlesex Council No 108 on Wednesday 6 July and was accompanied by several District Officers.

Unfortunately, the candidate for the meeting was unable to attend, which lent itself to a demonstration of the Knights of Constantinople and Grand Tilers of Solomon. The Deputy DGP ‘volunteered’ to be the candidate for both ceremonies and was conducted by W Bro Keith Bristow in the former ceremony and Bro Graham Seeman, the latter. The Deputy DGP reminded those present that this must have been a first for the Council where a candidate had been conducted by two Mark Provincial Grand Masters (Bucks & Berks)!

During the meeting, the Deputy DGP was pleased to be able to present Bro Graham Seeman with his Grand Allied Masonic Degrees certificate. There followed a delightful festive board where all the formalities were observed.

W Bro.Bob Chevin Deputy District Grand Prefect with W Bro Kevin Saunders, Worshipful Master of Middlesex Council.

W Bro.Bob Chevin presenting Bro Graham Seeman with his Grand Allied Masonic Degrees certificate.

W Bro.Bob Chevin, Deputy District Grand Prefect along

with a number of officers from District Grand Council on

their visit to Middlesex Council

AMD Executive at the Buckinghamshire Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons

The District Grand Prefect, Deputy District Grand Prefect and the District Grand Secretary, along with a number of Allied brethren were in attendance at the Installation of W Bro Keith Bristow as the Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Buckinghamshire. Keith is also a member of Middlesex Council No.108. All witnessed an excellent ceremony conducted by the Pro Grand Master,  Most Worshipful Brother Raymond John Smith and a number of Officers from The Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons.

The District Grand Prefect and Deputy District Grand Prefect welcoming the honoured guests.

AMD TV Visit to Yorkshire

The new District Grand Prefect for the District of Yorkshire, RW Bro Brian Butterfield, was installed by the MW Grand Master, Thomas Firth Jackson at the District meeting held in Headingley on Saturday 28th May 2022. RW Bro Ian Bailey attended, accompanied by W Bro Simon Gillas, PGStwd. The journey to the meeting allowed them to get to know the M1 very well. The meeting was delightful and the food at the Festive Board delicious.

R W Bro Ian Bailey and W Bro Simon Gillas

Visit to Rollright Council No 127

Bro Paul Buck, Bro Roger Hook, RW Bro Ian Bailey, W Bro James Hilditch, Bro Jarrad Lewis, RW Bro Ron Bridger and Bro Graham Ellis.

On Tuesday 14th May 2022 Rollright Council undertook the Degree of St Lawrence the Martyr and admitted a new Brother, Bro Graham Ellis. The Worshipful Master, W Bro James Hilditch also performed a ceremony of Grand Tilers of Solomon for Bro Paul Buck, Bro Jarrad Lewis (Richard Mordant Council No 189) and Bro Graham Ellis. The Lectures were delivered in a wonderful manner by RW Bro Ron Bridger and W Bro Bob Chevin. After the meeting the Brethren enjoyed a delightful Festive Board.

AMD Essex District Meeting

The DGP, RW Bro Ian Bailey was joined on Saturday 14th May 2022, at the District meeting of AMD Essex, by W Bro John Stribling, DistGSW, W Bro Kevin Williams DistDepDC and W Bro Bryan Farrelly DistGIG. The meeting was held at Saxon Hall, Aviation Way, Southend.

W Bro Kevin Williams, RW Bro Ian Bailey, W Bro John Stribling and W Bro Bryan Farrelly.

 AMD Thames Valley Team visit to Richard Mordant Council No 189

Richard Mordant Council held its Installation meeting on Wednesday 27th April 2022 at the Aylesbury Masonic Hall. The District Grand Prefect asked for this to be a full Team Visit. He was delighted to welcome ten District Officers to the meeting. Bro Richard Whitaker was installed as WM in a wonderful ceremony conducted by W Bro Ralph Newell. In addition the Council also admitted two new Brethren, Bro Michael Conway and Bro Jarrad Lewis. Their ceremony was conducted by the Deputy DGP, W Bro Bob Chevin. The Council were also delighted to welcome RW Bro Ron Bridger, Past DGP of Thames Valley District and RW Bro Cliff Bull PastDGP of West Midlands District. They were accompanied by W Bro Ray Ellis.

 AMD Thames Valley Team

 Bro Michael Conway, RW Bro Ian Bailey, W Bro Richard Whitaker and Bro Jarrad Lewis

RW Bro Ian Bailey and

W Bro Richard Whitake

Visit to AMD Herts & Beds District Meeting

On Saturday 2nd April 2022, RW Bro Ian Bailey joined 11 other District Grand Prefects and the Brethren of the AMD Herts & Beds District at their AGM at the Masonic Centre in Letchworth.

RW Mike Whelan, DGP Southern Counties, RW Bro Ian Bailey, DGP Thames Valley & RW Bro Peter Talbot, DGP Cheshire & North Wales

RW Bro Mike Whelan, DGP Southern Counties, RW Bro Ian Bailey & RW Bro Joe McCollom, DGP West Midlands

RW Brethren of equal standing

Keith Bristow appointed Provincial Grand Master for the Mark Province of Buckinghamshire.

Many congratulations to W Bro Keith Bristow of Middlesex Council on his appointment as the new Provincial Grand Master for the Mark Province of Buckinghamshire. Very well done Keith.

Cheshire & North Wales District Meeting 

RW Bro Ian Bailey and W Bro John Stribling

On Saturday 12 March 2022, RW Bro Ian Bailey and W Bro John Stribling, DistGSW travelled up to the Christleton Masonic Hall to attend the AGM of the Cheshire & North Wales District. The meeting was very well supported with many Districts represented by their District Grand Prefect or other officers. The Festive Board was soup followed by roast beef and jam roly-poly which was enjoyed by all.

 District Grand Prefect joining the Order of Secret Monitor

On Friday 25th February 2022, our DGP joined the Enigma Conclave of the Order of the Secret Monitor in Winslow. He said that it was a delight to see so many friends at the meeting. The Supreme Ruler was W Bro Tim Hancock. Also there was RW Bro Ron Bridger, W Bro Alan Baverstock, W Bro Silverio Ostrowski, W Bro Simon Gillas and Bro Ian Wright. The ceremony was performed very well and the Festive Board at the Bell Hotel was its usual self.

Kent AMD District Meeting

On Saturday 19th February 2022, RW Bro Ian Bailey, DGP travelled with RW Bro Ron Bridger, Past DGP and W Bro Paul Rush, DistGSec to Gillingham to attend the AMD Kent AGM. The meeting was well attended and W Bro Brian Ward was invested as the new Deputy District Grand Prefect. The MW Grand Master was due to attend but Storm Eunice prevented this. A wonderful Festive Board was enjoyed by all.

W Bro Paul Rush, RW Bro Ian Bailey & RW Bro Ron Bridger

A Great Meeting Back at Chiltern Hundreds Council No.142

Chiltern Hundreds Council held their first meeting for 2 years on Tuesday 15th February 2022 at the Beaconsfield Masonic Centre. It was very well attended. Bro Michael Crombie was admitted to the Order and he also did the Knights of Constantinople degree. The District Grand Prefect attended the meeting along with the Deputy District Grand Prefect. Both ceremonies were a delight to watch. All the Brethren then enjoyed a delightful Festive Board. The District Grand Prefect also presented Bro Nick Wilson and Bro Tony McGahan with their Grand Lodge Certificates.

R W Bro Ian Bailey, Bro Michael Crombie, W Bro Bryan Farrelly and W Bro Bob Chevin

R W Bro Ian Bailey, Bro Nick Wilson, Bro Tony McGahan and W Bro Bob Chevin

Southern Counties District Meeting

W Bro Bill Winter, W Bro Simon Gillas, W Bro Paul Rush, RW Bro Ian Bailey, W Bro Kevin Saunders, W Bro John Stribling, W Bro Graham Dearing & W Bro Brian Farrelly.

A record number of Brethren from AMD Thames Valley attended the AMD Southern Counties AGM on Saturday 5th February 2022. The meeting was held at the Botley Masonic Hall. The AMD Southern Counties DGP, RW Bro Michael Whelan installed a new Deputy DGP, VW Bro Lawrie Brookes. The Deputy Grand Master, RW Bro Clive Manual was also at the meeting to see the ceremony. Our DGP was delighted to be joined at the meeting by so many Brethren from Thames Valley - seven. W Bro Simon Gillas, PGStwd, W Bro Bill Winter, DistGTreas, W Bro Paul Rush, DistGSec, W Bro Kevin Saunders, DistGDC, W Bro John Stribling, DistGSW, W Bro Graham Dearing, PGStB, DistGJW and W Bro Brian Farrelly, DistGIG. The next AGM will be that of AMD Kent on 19th February 2022 in Gillingam.

West Midlands District Meeting

Past District Grand Prefect, RW Bro Ron Bridger joined other members of the Thames Valley District, RW Bro Ian Bailey, DGP, W Bro Bob Chevin, Deputy DGP, W Bro Paul Rush, District Grand Secretary and Bro Richard Whitaker at the District Grand Council meeting of the West Midlands District. This was held on Saturday 29th January 2022 at the Burton on Trent Masonic Centre. At the meeting the Grand Master and his team installed RW Bro Joe McCollum as the new District Grand Prefect. The meeting was very well attended. After the meeting everyone adjourned to the bar and then to the Festive Board.

W Bro Paul Rush, RW Bro Ron Bridger, RW Bro Ian Bailey,

W Bro Bob Chevin & Bro Richard Whitaker

Richard Mordant Council No.189

At the recent meeting of the Richard Mordant Council on Wednesday 12th January 2022, the Brethren took part in a Grand Tylers of Solomon ceremony for Bro Paul Gausden. The ceremony was very well delivered by all who took part. After the meeting the Brethren enjoyed a pleasant and convivial Festive Board. All are looking forward to their next meeting in April which will the the Installation meeting at which Bro Richard Whitaker will be installed as WM.

Surrey District Meeting

W Bro Mick Melia, W Bro Silverio Ostrowski, RW Bro Ian Bailey, W Bro Bob Chevin, W Bro John Stribling & W Bro Paul Rush

Thames Valley District was very well represented at the AGM of AMD Surrey on Saturday 4th December 2021. The meeting was held at the Croydon Masonic Hall. Our DGP was joined by the Deputy DGP W Bro Bob Chevin, W Bro Paul Rush, W Bro John Stribling, W Bro Silverio Ostrowski and W Bro Mick Melia. The Deputy Grand Master, RW Bro Clive Manuel was also at the meeting with his escort W Bro Matt Hampson, DepGDC. An first rate Festive Board followed the meeting. 

London District Meeting

On Saturday 20th November 2021, W Bro Paul Rush and W Bro Peter Lawson joined RW Bro Ian Bailey at the AMD London District meeting which was held at Mark Masons Hall. The meeting was very well attended and with the right balance between ceremony and humour. Our DGP was unable to dine on this occasion, but W Bro Paul Rush joined the other Brethren for a convivial Festive Board.

The next District AGM is that of AMD Surrey on Saturday 4th December 2021 in Croydon.

W Bro Peter Lawson, RW Bro Ian Bailey & W Bro Paul Rush.

London District Meeting

RW Bro Ian Bailey, Bro Tim Long, Bro Peter Lovegrove & W Bro Bob Chevin

At the recent meeting of the Cowper & Newton Council No 266,
W Bro Bob Chevin was installed as WM and the Officers of the Council performed the Knights of Constantinople ceremony for Bros Tim Long and Peter Lovegrove. After the meeting the Festive Board was held in the North Crawley Institute, a first for the Council in its new home

Severn District Meeting

On Saturday 6th November 2021 brethren from Thames Valley District joined their friends of AMD Severn District at their District meeting at the Pontyclun Masonic Hall. The meeting was very well attended, not only by the Brethren of the Severn District but also by friends from other Districts. After the meeting everyone enjoyed a delightful Festive Board, before heading home. A long but very enjoyable day out.

W Bro Simon Gillas, RW Bro Ian Bailey,
W Bro Silverio Ostrowski & W Bro Paul Rush.

Grand Council Meeting 2021

W Bro Mitch Mitchell, RW Bro Nigel Willows, RW Bro Ian Bailey,
W Bro Paul Rush, VW Bro Brian Roake & W Bro Simon Gillas

The AMD Thames Valley team at the Grand Council meeting at Great Queen Street on Tuesday 26th October 2021. RW Bro Ian Bailey was joined by RW Bro Nigel Willows, VW Bro Brian Roake, W Bro Mitch Mitchell, W Bro Paul Rush and W Bro Simon Gillas at the meeting and Festive Board. RW Bro Jon Roberts and W Bro Philip Purves were also at the meeting. Three Thames Valley brethren received Grand Honours at the meeting. VW Bro Jack Lakritz, Promotion PG.Reg. W Bro Tony Judd, Promotion PGSD. W Bro. Graham Dearing, PGStdB. All thoroughly enjoyed the meeting and partook of a delightful meal at the Festive Board.

East Anglia District Meeting

Five members of the Thames Valley District visited Lowestoft on Saturday for the annual meeting of East Anglia District. The meeting was a great success and enjoyed by all who attended. Highlights included a field promotion for the District Treasurer, WBro Pryke, and the appointment of a District Welfare Officer. Congratulations to all involved.

Pictured are: Simon Gillas GStwd, Mick Melia DistGJD,
Paul Rush DistGSec, John Stribling DistGSW, and Robert Brock PDistGJD

Richard Mordant Council No. 189

At their meeting on Wednesday 20th October 2021, Richard Mordant Council No 189 admitted Bro Paul Gausden into the Council. Paul was due to be admitted before the COVID lockdown, so it was particularly pleasing that at long last he was able to join them. The Brethren also performed the Knights of Constantinople degree for Bro Paul and Bro Eugene Gratwohl of Bocardo Council No 84. This was the first meeting attended by W Bro Bob Chevin since his appointment as Deputy District Grand Prefect at the District Grand Council meeting on 16th October 2021. After the meeting the Brethren enjoyed a delightful Festive Board.

RW Bro Ian Bailey (DGP), Bro Paul Gausden, W Bro Ralph Newell (WM),

Bro Eugene Gratwohl, W Bro Bob Chevin (DepDGP)

Middlesex Council No.108

Middlesex Council No 108 started back on Thursday 14th October 2021 at the Uxbridge Masonic Hall. There were two ceremonies carried out at the meeting. The first was to admit a new candidate, Bro Kim Carnegue and the second was to Install W Bro Kevin Saunders as Worshipful Master. The DGP and Deputy DGP - Designate, W Bro Bob Chevin both attended the meeting and were escorted by the District Grand Director of Ceremonies, W Bro Mitch Mitchell. After the meeting everyone tucked into a wonderful plate of fish and chips at the Festive Board.

Veran Council No.18

Installation meeting

The Brethren of Veran Council No.18 held their Installation meeting on Saturday 9th October 2021 at the Wokingham Masonic Hall. RW Bro Ron Bridger was installed as Worshipful Master. The new WM then appointed and invested his Officers.
The meeting was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended.

Thames Valley AMD AGM

The District of Thames Valley Allied Masonic Degrees held their AGM at Cardinal House, Oxford on Saturday 16th October.

The District Grand Prefect Ian Bailey welcomed the Deputy Grand Master RW Bro Clive Manuel. To see more pictures click on AGM tab on the main menu.

Centenary meeting of the Templar Council No.40

On Wednesday 29th September 2021, RW Bro Ian Bailey, DGP and W Bro Simon Gillas, GStwd represented AMD Thames Valley at the Centenary meeting of the Templar Council No 40. The meeting was held at the Handsworth Masonic Hall, Birmingham. The meeting was very well attended by members of the Council along with District Officers from AMD West Midlands and visiting Brethren from other Districts. The Grand Master, MW Bro Thomas Firth Jackson was the Presenting Officer. The meeting also saw the installation of RW Bro Anthony Sweeney, PSGW as WM of the Council. A delightful Festive Board followed and then a long journey home.

RW Bro Ian Bailey - DGP and W Bro Simon Gillas - GStwd

East Lancashire District

W Bro Simon Gillas G.Stwd and W Bro Paul Rush Dist.G.Sec. on their visit to Rochdale, for the Annual Meeting of East Lancashire District on September 11th. Both were made very welcome, and enjoyed the day very much. Particularly the Lancashire Rag Pudding for lunch!

AMD Spain - District meeting

On Saturday 18th September 2021, the DGP and District Grand Secretary attended the virtual District Grand Council meeting of Spain. The meeting very well attended. The DGP, RW Bro Barrie Mansell appointed and invested his Officers for the coming year. The meeting was also attended by the Grand Secretary, RW Bro Ryan Williams who gave a general update from Mark Masons Hall.

Allied Masonic Video

We are all very much looking forward to returning to our Allied Masonry. As part of that we also need to look to boosting our membership numbers and to remind the members of our Mark Lodges and Chapters of the wonderful time they can have in taking the next step in the Masonic journey, by joining us in the AMD.

 The District Grand Prefect and Executive have produced a short video. It is been done to help our recruitment efforts. Please have a look at it and then forward it to ALL your friends in your Mark Lodge(s) and Chapter(s) and wider if you want. Click on video to watch.

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